How to Discuss the Birds and the Bees
Yes, sex is ideally saved for marriage, but not due to fear bribery or assuming God will give you a perfect spouse.
We save sex for marriage because of the immense meaning, value and purpose behind it!
Will a Recovery Group “Fix” Me?
God doesn’t just want to set you free—He wants to transform you.
Showing Love When Words Fall Flat
Look for small gestures to represent your thoughtful love.
Raising Kids in a World Full of Pornography
Protecting our children starts as our primary calling and then gradually gets eclipsed by Equipping them. Filters and restrictions can and should be used, but they are insufficient for equipping our kids to live in sexual wholeness in a morally bankrupt world...
The Heart Behind the Courage Reclaimed Podcast
The Courage Reclaimed Podcast, officially launching August 2nd, is my attempt at coming alongside my younger self, as a brother. I hope to share the lessons I have learned with vulnerability while continuing to seek growth and new knowledge in each season I am in.
How to Reset Your Mind When You’re Feeling Tempted
Often, when I’m experiencing temptation, I’ll get up and go on a prayer walk. Because I leave all technology at home when I do, this one action serves to flee both the environment (sitting at my desk) and the opportunity (leaving all technology at home).
My Story of Recovery from Pornography Addiction
Listen to Matt’s interview with Skip Hall on “Game Plan for Life.”
A Betrayed Wife’s Prayer for Her Husband
“Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save!” Isaiah 59:1
Father, I am desperate for you to heal my marriage, to set my husband free from the sin that entangles him, and to mend my broken heart…
A Sexual Addict’s Prayer for His Wife
Father God,
l am not where I want to be.
I've always longed to be able to respect myself and to have a deep, loving relationship with my wife. I want to live a life I can be proud of.
But I am failing. I am hurting my wife, l am disrespecting myself, and though I don't often feel the full weight of it, I am sinning against You…
Sticky Scriptures: John 14:15
One day I read Jesus’ words in John 14:15: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought I did love Jesus, ask anyone! But if I was being honest with myself, I knew I definitely wasn’t keeping his commandments. So did that mean I didn’t actually love Jesus?
The Link Between Pornography Addiction and ADHD
Looking back at my ADHD diagnosis, I see I had no trouble focusing when watching porn or TV or while playing video games. But put a blank page of homework in front of me, and I felt helpless to concentrate.
How Numbing Pain Stifles Maturity
For most of my life, instead of facing difficulty, I numbed the pain and therefore did not develop the skills, perspectives and maturity that trials offered me.
Breaking the Power of Sin
What does it look like to live in the reality that we have already been set free from the penalty of our sins, but we still wrestle with the power of sin over our lives?
3 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety
My anxiety was once a trigger for me, but now it is a catalyst for deeper relationships.
Reconciling the Physical with the Spiritual
If something “spiritual” can be explained by science, is God actually at work?
If addiction rewires my brain, is my acting out a biological or a spiritual problem?
A Letter to my Dad from my 14 Year Old Self
You caught me viewing pornography.
I may seem emotionless, but I’m in shock. The truth is - I’m terrified.
It didn’t start this way…
Sticky Scriptures: 1 Cor. 10:13
The way of escape…
If God is so faithful, why does it feel like he has abandoned me when temptation is at its strongest? If he provides a way of escape, why do I feel so trapped and enslaved to my sexual sin?
Flywheel of Addiction/Recovery
Flywheel, n: A heavy wheel that stores kinetic energy as it rotates, resulting in perpetually increasing momentum and speed.
Addiction and recovery are not just haphazard, random things that happen to a person. Think of them, instead, as systems that can be understood. In fact, addiction and recovery act much like a flywheel which can rotate in opposite directions.
Sticky Scriptures: Ephesians 5:3-6
Everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God…
How can someone who is struggling with sexual sin read this passage and not be overcome with shame and condemnation? What hope is there for the Christian sex addict?