A Betrayed Wife’s Prayer for Her Husband

“Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save!” Isaiah 59:1

Father, I am desperate for you to heal my marriage, to set my husband free from the sin that entangles him, and to mend my broken heart.

I cannot trust him right now, but I ask that you would help me to trust You with my marriage. I believe you can save and redeem our relationship, help my unbelief!

Holy Spirit, convict my husband to feel sorrow and brokenness over his sin, but prevent him from being plagued by shame that does not come from you and that tells him he needs to hide in the dark.

Protect him from giving up in discouragement when the temptation feels too great, and instead use his pain to draw him deeper into Your heart. Would he realize and confess his desperate need for you. Would he allow Your grace to flood every inch of his life, even the darkest places he tries to hide. May this struggle be what you use to cause his heart to fall truly and deeply in love with you, Jesus.

Would you sanctify him into being a man after your own heart! May his eyes be so fixed on you that they are not enticed and drawn away by the seductive things of this world. Would he be completely satisfied in who You are.

Thank you that no part of our lives is hidden from you, Lord. Please bring to light any secret sins my husband is keeping in the dark. Would your Holy Spirit keep his heart continually sensitive to your convicting. Would he desire to walk in the light, as you are in the light, above all else. Cause his sexual affections to be only for me, and convict and enable him to vigilantly guard his eyes and his heart every moment of each day.

In Jesus name, I forbid the devil from having any place in our marriage, our home, or my husband’s heart and mind. Take back the ground that has been lost to Satan’s lies, Lord.

Protect this man I love on all sides, and give him eyes to see your army fighting for him, that his heart my be strengthened and encouraged in this fight.

Provide each of us with the right counselors and community of believers, Lord, who can continually point us to You and to Truth. Bring him a lifelong friend who can be a brother to him and who sharpens him as iron sharpens iron. Please also provide for me a friend who can know my heart and speak truth to me in my time of need. Give us the courage to be open and honest with others, and willing to ask for help. Some day I ask, even, that You would use our redemption story to help another couple in our same situation.

Father, please give me a deeper understanding of your gospel. May I not be numb to my own sins. Forgive me for the countless times I have chased after my own selfish desires and forgetten you, my First Love. As you deepen my own understanding of Your infinite mercy and forgiveness towards me, would you help me in Your strength to also extend that sort of gospel-love towards my husband. Would he see Your heart towards him in the ways I respond to him and speak to him.

Do not let any part of our story be in vane, Lord, but redeem all the years the locusts have eaten tenfold for us (Joel 2:25)! Allow us to experience the beauty of true intimacy in marriage as you intended it. Would Yours be the victory in our lives and in our marriage!

I pray this all in Jesus name, amen.

Sarah Willis

Sarah is the wife of Matt Willis, founder of Courage Reclaimed. A kitchen and bath designer by trade, she spends her spare time helping run the CR website. She shares Matt’s passion to see God’s people break free from sexual addiction and to see marriages restored with a deeper understanding of Christ’s unconditional love!


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A Sexual Addict’s Prayer for His Wife