Pornography is wreaking havoc on the church. It’s time for the men of God to stand up.

Restore Hope

You’re on the brink of losing relationships and feel like you have tried everything, but sexual addiction is still calling the shots in your life. Find hope again through true stories of redemption and proven tools that have helped countless other men in your shoes.

Break Free

Learn what the real needle-movers are on the healing journey. No shaming or white-knuckling it here. This battle is fought by understanding the nature of addiction, the vital role of confession, and the importance of authentic community with other men of God.

Regain Passion

Compartmentalizing your sin causes you to play small and live numb, but when you walk in the light, shame is replaced with a fire to be all that God has called you to be. You will begin to find your joy restored, your compassion deepened, and your courage reclaimed.

Your secret sin is holding you back

as a husband, as a father, as a friend, and as a man of God. You may think that what others don’t know won’t hurt them, but deep down you know you are fooling yourself.

Men living in sexual sin are less likely to take on leadership roles in their church, less likely to stand up for injustice in our society, and more likely to be passive spiritual leaders in their homes. The devil knows that as long as he has you hiding in the dark, you will play small.

But imagine what a generation of courageous men who stand up and claim the power of the gospel in their lives could do to heal their families, impact our churches, and change our world?

Freedom comes in community

Self-made men are not Kingdom men. Stop trying to fight your sexual addiction alone. Sin grows in the dark, but healing comes in the light. Find the freedom you have been longing for by linking arms with fellow brothers and living in authentic community with the body of Christ.

Be killing sin, or it will be killing you. - John Owen